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Full Page Dedication

Yearbook Dedication Page Full Page

  • Use high-resolution photography, meaning original file size, not smaller or downloaded from a Facebook page or website. Find crisp images, not blurry.

    Use any page layout, word processing or presentation program you have such as Word, Pages, PowerPoint, Publisher, Keynote, Canva, etc.

    Make your document size the size of the ad. In most programs, you can go to “File – Page Setup” and then use the pull-down menu under “Paper Size” to select “Manage Custom Size.” Type the dimensions in for the custom size.

    Full page - 8.25”W x 11”H

    Remember that if you have a full-page or half-page ad that all text and important parts of photos (such as faces) should be 1 inch away from the edge of the document. Photos and backgrounds, in general, can go to the edge if you desire.

    Feel free to use a colored background rather than just white. Many programs will have a variety of templates you can select for a background.

    Insert photos and text.
    - Feel free to play around with font sizes, colors and types.
    - Feel free to play around with photo borders and shapes. Keep photos to scale by dragging a corner of the
    box if you want to make it smaller or bigger. Or you can “crop” to remove unwanted parts of the photos.
    - Feel free to have words or photos angled rather than just straight.
    - Feel free to put text on top of your image if it is in the background of your image.
    - Feel free to let photos touch or overlap.

    Send your completed dedication to as a high-resolution PDF with subject line, “Yearbook Dedication.Depending on the program, you can “save as,” “export to” or “print to” PDF, which keeps the font you selected. Don't compress or decrease the file size.

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